
every moment of the Mass is a proof of God’s love. What else could it be? … So throughout that Mass, I kept repeating this to myself: “Because You love me.”

“Amen.” Because You love me.”Because He loves me, He asks me to respond to His grace. He doesn’t just give Himself without my consent, doesn’t just save me without my cooperation. Because He loves me, He lets me participate. And so I say amen, receiving His body and blood and offering Him my body and blood. “This is my body, given up for You,” I tell him. Because this infinite God loves me enough to care about the pathetic gift I make of myself.

– Meg Hunter-Kilmer

Every moment of my life is proof of God’s Love, especially during the Mass.

God proves that He loves me today. How can He, being Love itself, do anything else?

Because You love me… You let me understand that I can do nothing without You. You show me that every good thing in my life is not there because of my merits but because of Your grace. You show me that without You, my life is without joy, without peace; there is only bitterness and darkness. And when I am in the mists of this darkness You show me that it is only by Your grace that I can emerge from it.

Because You love me… You let me understand that while I have no ability to stand on my own, I need not worry because You are always there pouring out Your love on me. All I have to do is to forget myself, look at You and receive Your help.

Because You love me… You show me that to love You is not to be attached to good feelings. You show me this my letting me endure unpleasant feelings longer than I want to.

Because You love me… You reveal to me how much I am still clinging onto things of this earth. You let me realise through experience that the path of love is forgetting myself entirely and to only be concerned about Your will.

Because You love me… I exist.